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Depression and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (Part 3-end)

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Depression and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy by Chris Williams and Ben Wiffen Read: Depression and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (Part 2) Using CBT with individual Christians CBT is an approach that is compatible with the Christian faith, and can be of benefit to many Christians with depression. Indeed, Christians are called to ‘take captive every thought to […]

Depression and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (Part 2)

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Depression and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy by Chris Williams and Ben Wiffen Read: Depression and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (Part 1) CBT is a Primary Treatment Option Whilst individuals may feel like there is no hope, some interventions have been shown to be effective for depression. Medication, most commonly Selective Serotonin Reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), can be particularly […]

Depression and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (Part 1)

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Depression and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy by Chris Williams and Ben Wiffen At any one time, one in six people in the UK struggle with a mental health problem, and one in four will be unwell over the course of a year.1 Overall, around one in three GP consultations involves mental health problems in some way.2 […]

Sex Selection (Part 2-end)

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Sex Selection by John Wyatt Read: Sex Selection (Part 1) Challenging Discrimination Those who argue for sex selection for medical reasons point to the seriously debilitating nature of some sex-linked disorders. In this case, the issue is about maximising the chance of having a healthy baby. Opponents say that while using sex selection to avoid […]

Sex Selection (Part 1)

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Sex Selection by John Wyatt It seems obvious that all parents would want to have healthy children and happy families. Part of this can mean trying have not only the desired number of children, but also children of a desired sex. The motive may be to avoid certain genetic disease or to meet particular social […]

Perkembangan Profesionalisme Demi Kemanusiaan

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Ada dua kriteria seseorang disebut profesional. Pertama, dari segi kualitas kerja, dan yang kedua, dikaitkan dengan perilaku. Soal kualitas kerja menyangkut hasil pekerjaan kita yang dihargai oleh pemakai. Kalau dokter, ya bagaimana pekerjaannya bisa menyembuhkan pasien, hasil pemeriksaannya manjur. Kalau guru, bagaimana hasil pengajarannya membuat murid-murid menjadi pintar dan bergairah belajar. Itulah profesionalisme. Intinya, hasil […]

Regarding The Image (Part 3-end)

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Regarding The Image by Helen Barratt Read: Regarding The Image (Part 2) Implications of the Image In the past, the concept of the sanctity of human life was perhaps most clearly associated with Christian concerns about abortion.39 In recent years, discussions have have shifted towards topics such as voluntary euthanasia and assisted dying,40 as well […]

Regarding The Image (Part 2)

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Regarding The Image by Helen Barratt Read: Regarding The Image (Part 1) Defining the Image of God The essential meaning of the image of God is that human beings have intrinsic value because we are in some way like God. Even if the similarities couldn’t be further defined, this would be of enormous significance. However, […]

Regarding The Image (Part 1)

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Regarding The Image by Helen Barratt Audrey is unconscious following a stroke. Her doctors have said there is little chance of her recovering and she is unable to communicate with her family. She has lost many of her critical faculties, so to what extent does her life still have value? Over the past fifty years […]

The Mind-Body Problem (Part 2-end)

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The Mind-Body Problem by Peter Saunders Read: The Mind-Body Problem (Part 1) Philosophers Plato (427-327 BC) Ancient Greek philosopher and dualist Aristotle (384-322 BC) Ancient Greek philosopher and materialist Descartes, Rene (1596-1650) French philosopher and mathematician who defended mind-body dualism Spinoza, Baruch (1632-1677) Jewish philosopher and monish who held that only one substance called God […]